It's a trap! A little bit of Coercive Persuasion goes a long way to...

Recently, I received this great game called Coerceo.   It looks quite interesting.  I love abstract games, but haven't been able to find someone to play them with in Japan.  I used to play a lot of Chess in high school, but after the losing a gazillion times, it was time to throw in the towel/Chess board.

I read the rules and watched some videos on this game, and it looks like a lot of fun.  I think this one is simple enough to teach even new gamers.  That's definitely a bonus in my eyes.   I like the modular board, and the great pyramid shaped pieces.

Here's what the game looks like.  After I play it a few times, I'll post up a review right here, on what I thought of the game.

Watch this space....To be continued

The game components

The board shrinks as you play it


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