Slippery Scary Fearsome Floors!
** Update: Once BGG is back up after it's upgrade, I'll add in the links for this game **

I don't know about you, but look how awesome this guy is!
How cute is that? One fantastically, awesome, nostalgia-filled board game, of fun and gore. I am eagerly awaiting my copy to arrive all the way from America...Oooh hurry up... I must introduce you to all my friends!!
It's a race to get out of the dungeon before Franken-cute-monster get's all your characters. If you get captured, you have to start from the beginning again. The first person to get all of their characters out of the dungeon / 2 of their characters out essentially wins.
The components are fantastic! Each character represents a famous character/stereotype that most English speaking gamer would know & relate to. Like Scooby Doo and his gang, the Star Trek nerd, Fonze and the gang...Foreigners? What the?
The box has that old 1980's feel. Even though 1980s wasn't that long ago. When you first see the box art, you might bypass this game and pick up something else on the shelf.
Because this is one of those games... that everyone will enjoy playing. There's a fantastic rule manual, and lots of variety. There's an advanced version for those that need more stress and tension in their lives. The game scales well with 2-7 players. Lots of interesting options. After 1 play, it'll make you think...hmm...I'd like to play this again with...Joe Bloggs, Jane know who...whatchamacallit-and-friends. It plays fast, the rules are mindnumbingly EASY, and it'll be one of those games that you'll remember for a long time to come.
WARNING! If you like extremely difficult games that takes 1 hour to learn the rules, and 45 minutes for each player to make their move, quick, change the channel now...because this is not for you.
Game Play in a Nutshell:
I've only played this once with the basic rules as taught by our friend Brett, (I have a feeling that there are more rules to this, I'll update it once, I check the Rule Book) and here's how they go:
Players collectively build a really really cute little monster, to be the enemy. Players get 3-5 character pieces with amazingly cute art. Players take turns move their pieces according to the number on the token. Then comes Franken-guy's turn. He moves according to the Tombstome markers. Flip one over, and move that many spaces, but as he moves, Franken-golem looks Left, Right, Ahead. Then if he sees a character that's nearby, he'll turn in that direction.
Anyone that steps in blood, slides all the way to the end of the blood pool.
You can push Rock stones, but watch out, if you get squished between the Rock and the wall, you're character has to go back to the beginning of the game.
Anyone that get's captured by Franken-Bob goes to the beginning of the dungeon again. If there are 2 characters that are in equi-distance to Franken-Eyeball-with-a-Top-Hat, then he'll get confused and just continue straight ahead.
Watch out, some of the Tombstones causes Fraken-blob to keep moving until he's captured 2! people.
The actions are very simple, but there's a lot you have to think about. How many moves can I take? how can I lead Franken-zombie to another player? If I hide here, will I be safe? What if the other players that are protecting me move away? DOH!! They just did!! Run... he's coming!!
A brief...brief...(a short some-airy): in this case it's a LONG winded some-airy...
After 1 play of this game, it piqued my interest so much that I wanted to play it again, and I
This is not an Epic 4-6 hr game or Agricola or Dune, or 4 player Summoner Wars. But this game has strategy, fun, nostalgia, meat, and it'll make you think...What if I did something else next time?
I feel that if I bring this game out with any gaming group, they'll have fun. Plus it's a game that will get a lot of play.
You thought this Summary was going to be long like my other ones. Well sorry to disappoint you.
Perfect match: For adults, kids, grandparents, good ol' friends that played Warcraft/Doom at those all day LAN parties that you used to go to...even those that have never touched a board game in their life...If you like Take That games, leading others to their sudden Doom...Then this one is for you!
Please sir, can I have some more? If you like this game, then you might like: RoboRally, Midnight Party, Saboteur, Nuns on the Run, The Adventurers, Survive! Escape from Atlantis
Gateway to Gaming Heaven (gateway game): Yes, this game is the Gateway to gaming
Adding fuel to the fire (adding to the addiction): Yes! One play is probably not enough. You will want to try this again.
Gamer vs Non Gamer: This game can easily be played with a mixed group. There are no advantages of being a Board Gaming Master.
Add to your collection: If you like light-medium style games, Take That, program games, Run away, Zombies, Doom, luring monsters towards other players...then you should get this!
I'm curious to find out what that Dungeon does...must play it again to find out.
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