
Kickstarter Woes of Missed Online pledge managers

Waoh waoh waoh... I've been eagerly waiting for the wonderful game Guilds of Cadwallon to appear on my doorstep because a fair amount of people had received theres.  Then I decided to check their website to see how many people were receiving their games and...woe... People were talking about receiving their games in Oz, and all around the world, and usually it takes about 8 days to get to Japan, usually before Oz I dug a bit further down the comments about a "pledge manager"...I thought "oh! you mean the kickstarter pledge survey", read a bit more and oh no, people were talking about an online form...checked my mail and lo and behold in the spam...was a mail... What I didn't realize, even though I had filled out the kickstarter survey on Jan 9th...(it's now May 10th), was that they were using a Online Pledge Manager, that was external from kickstarter.  So I quickly filled it out and sent of an email to coolminiornot, as well ...

Mini Games Library Storage

This is not really a full blog entry.  Recently I received a box of wonderful mini games from Level99Games, and being OCD, I had to sleeve the cards before playing them.  The Library comes with wonderful tuckboxes which I've kept, but I wanted to post up how I store the games after I sleeved the cards.  Sleeved cards won't be able to fit back into the original tuckboxes, but I found these awesome clear card cases for really cheap, and they are perfect.  They cost less that $1US. Some have velcro, some can fold flat, but I find them really handy.  I've even stored dice in one of them for my BSG Express game. I purchased some portable card trays that can be assembled, so that's the weird wooden puzzle on the left.  The sleeved cards are placed inside a clear plastic card case.  I've also put the damage counters in a round plastic container.  Pixel Tactics & Master Plan is stored in a Velcro box as it can hold more cards. This is what th...

Are you a 1EGAD-Gamer or a GAMAPPIAD-Gamer?

What type of gamer are you?   When you go to game days do you you prefer to play 1 huge epic deep game that takes 4+ hours, or play as many games as possible?    Does it depend on the mood/the group?  Are you a 1EGAD-Gamer (1 Epic Game A Day)     OR in the spirit of the 2012 Olympics,  are you a GAMAPPIAD-Gamer (Get As Many As Possible Played In A Day) ? Since I'm relatively new (1 year and still going)  to board gaming compared to others, I find that when it comes to the length of games on offer during a board game day, I tend to choose games that play in around the 45-60 minute mark.  Whether it be a Euro game, a party game, a storytelling game, an American-style game...or any other game.  Even when it comes to RPG'ing...if there was a toss up between playing a lot of games in the same time it takes to run a session of AD&D...I'd probably choose - playing lots of games.  (Sorry, my D&D gro...

See Spot It Run! Run Spot It Run!

FIRE!!! Argh!! A Spider!! Skull & Crossbones!! STOP!! OK After stumbling across this game via watching one of The Dice Tower's video reviews . I knew I had to have this game, but boy was this a hard game to track down in Japan! I searched for months to no avail. Who knew, that for a game about being the fastest to spot something, it would take so long for me to Spot ... It ...(get it ) (Now it's available in Japan under the name of Dobble) After 3 months, I finally found it at the import board game store. I passed it up the first time because of the price (around $20) to see if I could find it cheaper elsewhere. But a couple of weeks later, I went back and threw down my Yen (aka moola), and the game was on it's way to my shoebox-gaming-apartment. This is one of the many interesting & clever games published by Blue Orange Games . They have a range of games in interestingly shaped/packaged boxes/tins. Their games are easy to learn, colourful, w...

Carnival - those thieving Carnies!!! Gimme back my Lights!

This was the first games I backed on Kickstarter , and I wasn't sure if this was going to be a solid purchase, or something I could get out onto the table because of the theme. But boy WAS I WRONG, after 1 play I knew this one was going to be one of my favourites. It's such an easy game to teach & a lot of fun. There's a lot of interaction, and it plays so quickly, but has a lot of depth. I love it. Being new to this hobby I had never heard of Dice Hate Me before, and for one of their first games that they released, this one really piqued my interest in their company and what games they might release next. A brief...brief...(a short some-airy): Players are carnival owners trying to complete 4 out of their 5 rides by getting a set of cards (4 of the same colour: banners, materials, seats, lights). But watch out, if you don't hurry up to complete a ride, one of the other sneaky carnies might come and steal your materials. Seriously, who knew a ...

Which one of these games would you like to play more of in 2012?

I've put up a little poll to the right of my blog.  Please feel free to vote.  Also, feel free to comment below this post, what other games you want to play this year.  Then we'll look back in 6 months to see what games got played :)

Slippery Scary Fearsome Floors!

** Update: Once BGG is back up after it's upgrade, I'll add in the links for this game ** This game has definitely slipped under a lot of radars.  Seriously, there needs to be extra ratings added.  I never knew floors could be this fun and scary at the same time.  Fearsome Floors , made by the famous Friedemann Friese , published by Rio Grande is a game that I would have totally ignored on the shelf if I hadn't played it before.  At first the box does not do it justice, but once you've played it, you'll realize that the box actually does match perfectly with this WONDERFUL game.  I'm just going to say straight away, that as soon as I saw the components, I fell in LOVE. I don't know about you, but look how awesome this guy is! How cute is that?  One fantastically, awesome, nostalgia-filled board game, of fun and gore.  I am eagerly awaiting my copy to arrive all the way from America...Oooh hurry up... I must introduce you to all my...